The peace of Rome - Proclaimed to all the world, by her famous Cardinall Bellarmine, and the no lesse famous casuist Nauarre. Whereof the one acknowledgeth, and numbers vp aboue three hundred differences of opinion, maintained in the popish church. The other confesses neere threescore differences amongst their owne doctors in one onely point of their religion. Gathered faithfully out of their writings in their own words, and diuided into foure bookes, and those into seuerall decads. Whereto is prefixed a serious disswasiue from poperie. By I.H

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Printed by John Windet for Eleazer Edgar 1609 England, London [8], 44, 220 sidor.
Printed by J. Windet for Iohn Legate 1609 England, London [8], 44, 220 sidor.
Printed by J. Windet for Sam. Macham 1609 England, London [8], 44, 220 sidor.